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Community Living of Rhode Island Incorporated (CLRI) was founded in October 2001 by its present Chairman/CEO Mr. Joseph Onyejose and his wife Dr. Mary Onyejose the President & CEO. After so many years of working experiences in the State of Massachusetts, supporting the adult population with Developmental and Mental health Disabilities, we developed the passion and interest in expanding those learned quality services to the Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities here in in the State of Rhode Island. In the State of Massachusetts we spent several years providing dependable staffing Supports Services to the then Department of Mental Retardation (DMR) and Department of Mental Health (DMH) Provider Agencies, by utilizing our then Staffing Agency “MHSA” that was formed in 1997 for that purpose.



Community Living of Rhode Island Inc., (CLRI) recognizes the important needs of individuals with intellectual Disabilities, their parents and family members; hence we build our strength of supports around individual’s strengths and interests which enables them to develop skills that are functional and meaningful in every day’s life.

We do this by providing individuals with opportunities for growth in a loving, trusting and challenging environment. CLRI creates an environment that provides as many opportunities as possible, for individualized experiences in a wide range of natural community settings that directly and positively enhances the lives of many people with Intellectual Disabilities.




Community Living of Rhode Island is a trusted symbol of Service, Reliability and Compassion. We are dedicated to the principles of accountability by translating service delivery into quality and managed care. Our employees training and development programs has improved our capacity in employees retention, and has earned us a place among the industry leaders. We provide a broad range of person-centered services in the most normal and least restrictive settings possible, such as: Employment First Initiatives, Coaching and teaching; which is centered on functional skill development, communication, recreational skills, domestic responsibilities, community awareness and integration, social development, and vocational learning. CLRI value individual’s relationship and work diligently on a daily basis to honor the trust placed on us.

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